This event is open to all members of the judiciary, lawyers, law students, and their respective guests, the TWBA’s annual Salute provides a unique opportunity for members of the Toledo legal community to meet and show their appreciation to our local judicial officers. The Salute also serves as a forum for judicial candidates to not only introduce themselves to the attendees, but also speak briefly about their background, qualifications, and candidacy.
This year, in addition to hearing from the judicial candidates, a policy analyst from the Ohio Supreme Court will give an introduction to specialized dockets and an overview of their purpose. We will also hear updates from our local judges who preside over specialized dockets including Veterans Treatment Court, Drug Court, and Family Dependency Court.
TWBA 2019 Salute to Judiciary INVITE (3).docx
Toledo Women's Bar Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 1724, Toledo, Ohio 43603-1724